People drink it throughout the day in Turkey(before meals, after meals and in between meals). You will be offered a cup of black tea, wherever you go in Turkey. It is a sign of friendship, kindness and hospitality. Why?? Because I am a Turkish:)
Henna Night at the Wedding: This night in which the bride will be together with her familly, relatives and friends. This night which is called 'Kına Gecesi' is celebrated in the bride's home. The bride groom's family and other guests are met and hosted in the bride's home.
Usually dry henna brought by the bridegroom's family as broken to pieces in a silver or cupper vessel by a woman whose father and mother alive, not experienced any separation. After preparing the bride, veil ornamented with accompaniment of hymn, folk songs about henna. Hands of the bride are dyed with henna. The bridegroom's side is under the abligation to put money in the hand of the bride.
There are many different types of folk dances performed in various ways in Turkey and these reflect the cultural structure of each region. The bar in Erzurum province, the halay in the East and Southeast, the horon in the Black Sea and spoon dances in and around Konya are the best kown examples of these. So we have got a lot of dances because I am a Turkish.
Adana kebap is the number one meal all over the world!!
Gaziantep is famous for its 'baklava'. And my mother makes good baklava:)
The most famous culinary speciality is the icecream,'icecream of Kahramanmaraş'
Çorum is famous for its leblebi. Leblebi is snack and I miss it:)
Because I am a Turkish:)