Monday, April 26, 2010

Globalisation and Citizenship

Citizenship is central in the education in Denmark. Children are taught how to behave correctly in the society.

My School Experience in Hjortebroskolen

It was great experience, I didn't imagine this. The school is very nice and also our practise teacher. Her name is Ula and she is very friendly and polite women. She has a lot of energetic, how it can be possible, I can't understand.

The school starts at 8:15 and fourth, fifth and sixth classes students comes a big room. They were singing all together about fifteen minutes. While they were singing, one teacher were playing the piano. I think it is good idea. Because before the sing, the students can be sleepy but after then they can be very energetic. After sing every student goes to own classes and the lesson starts.

The daily life is very important for Danish educational system so the books have exercises about daily life. Forexample we are using minus, plus but how can I use in the daily life, this is important. One lesson the teacher used spaghetti. I was suprized. Every example for daily life. It was great.

Danish educational system is very different from Turkey. Because forexample the students learned the excel program in math lesson but we learned this program in computer lesson. It was different.

I think Danish students are very lucky because they have a lot of material. I think the material is most important things because it is visual. When the student needs a laptop for lesson, they are going to a room and they can take it. It was amazing because we have not any laptop room in Turkey, we just have computer room and I think it is not enough. Denmark also has computer room.

One day the students had a math exam but this exam on the internet. I was suprized again. The teacher can check to them on own computer. If the students answers correctly, the computer is given a more difficult questions. I think it is good system.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Drama and Movement in Aaberna

The great days in Aaberna. We went to in Aaberna for drama and movement lesson. Our teachers names is Flemming Rassmusen. Flemming was very friendly, helpful and fantastic.
At the beginning we were playing games focused on learning names. Of course we know our names each others but Flemming doesn't know our names:) Then we were playing drama games in a circle. Forexample we imagined very heavy thing in front of us and it could change its shape but not weight and had to pass it to the person standing next to us. After then for a change a very light thing. It was great.

Using Masks: Our drama teacher explained the special rules of using masks to us. I must say that: Forexample did you know that when performing with masks, they shouldn't touch each other? It was surprised for me . So we worked with masks and movements and with music and dance.
Another part was about our performances. We prepared some drama with music, we creatived it. I think it was great. I really enjoyed it.
After school we went to the centre of Aaberna for some shopping and walk. It was good.:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Great Trip: LEGOLAND

I don't want to speak about it because I have no words for it so I let the pictures speak:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Comparative Studies- Module 1

We learned a lot about Danish mentality, their traditions, Danish system of education. This module seems to be particularly interesting because I'll be able to compare the educational system in schools in Denmark and in Turkey and I will point out some similarities and differences.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

International Week (15-19 March)

During this week we were having a lot of activities. We were very busy and it was really perfect.

On Monday

We met about 30 other people from Europe (Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Gearmany, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Turkey)
Firstly we were getting to our country and we draw one picture. This picture was about our culture, our country. After then we draw one picture of another country. It was great. I liked this activity because I think everybody learned some information about another country.

After then we had Danish lesson with international students and Danish students. Danish student had teach some sentences to us. Forexample I learned this one: ' Jeg elsker dig '. It means ' I love you ' :) Before we learned some Danish sentences so we knew some sentences and how are sentences pronounce. But international students did not know so sometimes we had learned to them. It was very funny.

The next activity was a dance lesson. I also liked it. We learned some Danish dance. The musics were very nice. I was really enjoyed.

On Tuesday

We had cooking lesson. We learned how to prepare a typical lunch boxin Denmark. It was really great. There was a lot of food on the table. We choosed which food and then we prepared sandwidches for ourselves and I liked it.

After then we had music lesson. I must say that: The teacher is quite nice. We tryed to learn some countries song. Forexample our song was ' Ali Babanın Çiftliği ' . This song is very nice for children. I think it was good.

In the evening we had a big dinner. Everybody prepared some typical of their country. We prepared ' Sarma, Dolma, Cacık, Çekirdek ' . People told us: It was very delicious. So I was very happy:) I think specially çekirdek was very different for some people. Because some people didn't see anytime. But when they eaten it, they liked it.

On Wednesday

In the morning we got divided into groups: Seyhan, Sinem and me decided to choose the workshop ' Mathematic ' because we are study Mathematic and before we had not Mathematic lesson so it was first Mathematic lesson for us. It was really great. I learned some Danish education system. I wanted to a Danish mathematic book from teacher. He brought it for me. Ilooked its pages and I didn't see some Mathematic symbol. I asked to the teacher. Why didn't you use this symbol? He said me: It is not necessary. How are we teach to Mathematic? This is important for us. It was very great explain and I agree to him.

In the afternoon we prepared a little exhibition about our country, our university. I think Anadolu University was quite amazing for some people because it has a lot of students and it is very very big university.

On Thursday

Excursion to Ribe!! Yes we went to Ribe:) Ribe, the oldest town in Denmark. First we went to the Viking Museum. It was great. I bought two present for my family in there:) Then we walked in the street. I bought some Danish pastry. It was delicious.
In the evening we had Eurovision Song Contest. It was really fantastic. I was really enjoyed. Every country prepared a song and some country prepared some dancing too. Our Turkish group used very old but very nice song and dancing song. I think it was very very funny, it was so great. The winner was Belgium. We were secound.

On Friday

In the morning we had music lesson and we practised ' Let It Be '. Then we sing this song. It was very funny. After tan we eat some anish food. Then we said ' goodbye '.

Everything was great. Thank you Jette for great week...

Visit to Favrdalskolen(Special Needs)

Wednesday 11th in March we visited a Danish folkschool called Favrdalskolen. The school is very very big and has very big garden so firstly we did not find the right building but after than ofcourse we found it. The scool has 5 buildins and each building a certain age group. Normal classes have two teachers and normal classes have about 15 or 20 students but special needs classes have maximum 8 students.

We went observating in different clases. One building has a big room where they can cook. It was very different for me because we have not kitchen in the school and have not cooking lesson. But I think it is good idea because you have to cooking together and the cooperation is very important.

I amazed when I saw a lot of computer. Every building has computer lab. We visited one class and everystudents have laptop. They prepared short stories about yourself with laptop. It is really great. Some people has computer in Turkey but every people has computer in here. It is fantastic.

The other buildings are a gym hall, drama hall and they also have a big library.

Everything was great so I really enjoyed visiting this school.